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Author Scott Kleinman
Created 1 May 2018
Updated 18 March 2021
JSON Schema See the GitHub repository
Version 2.0.1


A manifest is a JSON file which describes the nature of a resource of any type. A manifest MUST be a valid JSON object as defined in RFC 4627. The name of the manifest file must be the value of its name property followed by the .json extension. An exception is made for the manifest of a Frictionless Data data package, which for compatibility must be called datapackage.json.

Manifests MUST contain certain REQUIRED properties and MAY contain any number of OPTIONAL properties. Adherence to the WE1S specification does not imply that additional, non-specified properties cannot be used: a manifest MAY include any number of properties in addition to those described as REQUIRED and OPTIONAL properties. For example, if you were storing time series data and wanted to list the temporal coverage of the data in a source, you could add a property temporal (cf. Dublin Core terms-temporal):

"temporal": {
  "name": "19th Century",
  "start": "1800-01-01",
  "end": "1899-12-31"

This flexibility enables specific communities to extend the schema for the data they manage.

A Global property is a JSON keyword which is available to all manifests, regardless of type. Global properties can either be REQUIRED in all manifests or OPTIONAL in all manifests. Additional REQUIRED and OPTIONAL properties for specific manifest types are discussed individually under separate headings.

Global REQUIRED Properties


A short URL-usable (and preferably human-readable) name of the package. This MUST be lower-case and contain only alphanumeric characters along with ".", "_" or "-" characters. It will function as a unique identifier and therefore SHOULD be unique at the level of the terminal node in the metapath property (also globally REQUIRED). The value of name taken together with the value of metapath should form a globally unique identifier.

The name SHOULD be invariant, meaning that it SHOULD NOT change when a manifest is updated, unless the new manifest should be considered a distinct manifest, e.g. due to significant changes in structure or interpretation. Version distinction SHOULD be left to the version property. As a corollary, the name also SHOULD NOT include an indication of time range covered.


A string providing a "materialised" path representing the location of the this manifest relative to its root. A metapath takes the form of a POSIX file path, except that the normal / delimiter is replaced with a comma.


A string representing the WE1S namespace and version number (e.g. "we1sv2.0"). The presence of namespace ensures that applications be designed to be handle legacy materials as the schema changes over time.


The value of namespace should ultimately be replaced by an object consisting of a name and a url to the location of the WE1S JSON schema file. For example:

"namespace": {
"name": "we1sv2.0",
"url": ""


A string providing a title or one sentence description for this manifest.

Global OPTIONAL Properties

The following are commonly used properties that the manifest MAY contain:


A property reserved for globally unique identifiers, typically conforming to some external schema. Examples of identifiers that are unique include UUIDs and DOIs.

While at the level of the specification, global uniqueness cannot be validated, consumers using the id property MUST ensure identifiers are globally unique.

Because WE1S assumes that manifests will be stored in a MongoDB database, the value of id MAY be filled by MongoDB's auto-generated primary key ObjectId. See discussion of the _id property below.


The _id property is generated by MongoDB's ObjectId method for all records stored in the database. The 12-byte ObjectId value consists of:

  • a 4-byte value representing the seconds since the Unix epoch,
  • a 3-byte machine identifier,
  • a 2-byte process id, and
  • a 3-byte counter, starting with a random value.

In most cases, the _id will not be used for database interactions since most queries will be expected to return manifests specified by the name property along a specific metapath.

Whilst all manifests stored in the database will automatically gain an _id value, it may be necessary to keep this separate from the value of id if the latter is used to store an external identifier such as a DOI. In these cases, the _id may be written to exported manifests files where it will live as a redundant property.


A description of the package. The description MUST be Markdown formatted string — this also allows for simple plain text as plain text is itself valid markdown. The first paragraph (up to the first double line break) should be usable as summary information for the package.


A string identifying the version of the package. It should conform to the Semantic Versioning requirements and should roughly follow the Frictionless Data Data Package Version pattern.

The value of the image property MUST be a string pointing to the location of the image. The string must be either a URL or a metapath value, typically something like Corpus,collection_name,Related,image_file.


A string providing a shortened or alternative version of the manifest's title value.


A string providing an abbreviated or other identifier for the manifest which can be used in graphs and other displays where space is limited.


An array of text strings which can contain extended prose commentary about the manifest's content. Individual notes MUST be formatted in Markdown.


An array of string keywords to assist users searching for the manifest using terms from a controlled vocabulary or some other method of classification.


An image to use when displaying the manifest, for instance, in a list of manifests. The value of the image property MUST be a string pointing to the location of the image. The string must be a fully qualified HTTP address, a relative POSIX path, or a metapath to a storage location in a database.


The updated property is used to describe changes made to a manifest after its initial creation. The value of the property MUST be an array of objects. Each object MUST contain the change and date properties and MAY contain a contributors property. The change property must be a string. The date property follows the standard pattern described under Formatting Dates and the contributors property follows the specifications described under collection manifests.


The updated property describes ONLY changes to the manifest document in which it is include. It does not apply to changes in linked data. For instance, if additional data files are added to an existing collection. The change property may indicate this, but it may not be possible to implement a procedure to recover the prior state of the data. This may affect the reproducibility of certain processes. Recommended methods of addressing this include creating a project based on the collection prior to the change, creating a separate collection for the changed data, or implementing changes along different metapath branches of the original collection. The addition of new branches can be described using the updated property in the collection manifest.

Sources Manifests

Sources manifests contain bibliographical information about the sources (typically publications) of data in the WE1S Corpus. All Sources manifests are stored in the WE1S Sources database and will therefore have the metapath value Sources.

REQUIRED Properties

The following globally REQUIRED properties MUST be included in every Sources manifest: name, title, namespace.

OPTIONAL Properties

The following globally OPTIONAL properties MAY be included in a Sources manifest: id, _id, description, version, keyword, image, shortTitle, label, notes, updated.

The following additional OPTIONAL properties MAY also be included in a Sources manifest.


A string containing the name of the source's publisher.


A string containing a URL for the source. This is an alternative for publisher since sometimes that information will not be available for web pages.


An array containing the names of the author(s) of a publication (e.g. a book). The array can consist of string values or objects. In general, string values should be standard full representations of authors' names since it is expected that this information will be queried by regex. However, an object can be used to indicate collective authorship using the group and organization properties:

"authors": [
    "group": "Summer Research Camp 2018",
    "organization": "UC Santa Barbara"

Objects can also be used to encode specific parts of author names such as surname and forename. However, WE1S currently has no standard nomenclature for parts of names.


An array containing the date of publication or range of publication dates where known. Dates should be given in ISO 8601 date (YYYY-MM-DD) or datetime (e.g. 2017-09-16T12:49:05Z) format, wherever sufficient information is known. For further information, see the section on Formatting Dates.


A string indicating the edition number (e.g. "2nd") or medium (e.g. "print" or "online") of the publication. WE1S currently has no controlled vocabulary for edition values.


A string representing the nature or genre of the data (e.g. "newspaper"). WE1S does not currently have a controlled vocabulary for the value of this field.


A string value taken from the ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-2 country codes.


A string value taken from the ISO 639-2 list of language codes. If multiple languages are required, an array of strings can be supplied.


An object containing a bibliographic citation for the source, generally one that is intended for display.

Citations MUST contain a schema property indicating the style guidelines followed in formatting the citation. This may be either a string value like "Chicago, 17th edition" or, preferably, a URL to a schema description website (e.g. "").

A citation MAY contain a text property containing a fully-formatted string citation. Formatting must be given in Markdown.

A citation MAY contain an object with field names corresponding to a schema such as the Citation Style Language. For example:

  "citation": {
  "schema": "",
  "fields": {
    /* A partial citation */
    "title": "The Cambridge Companion to Textual Scholarship",
    "publisher": "Cambridge University Press",
    "ISBN": "978-0-521-60329-4"

There is no standard JSON schema for citations, but WE1S recommends the Citation Style Language. CSL is used by Zotero, which can export its records as JSON objects that can be inserted in Sources manifests.

Data Manifests

A Data manifest is a JSON file which contains inline data or, points to data in another location.

Data manifests containerise data files, generally, but not always textual data. All WE1S Data manifests are stored in the Corpus database and therefore will have metapath values beginning with Corpus.

The illustrative example below points to data available at a certain URL:

  "name": "an_article",
  "title": "Title of the Article",
  "path": ""

Local data resources are assumed to belong to data sets called collections. A Data manifest can contain "inline" data by referencing the manifest's location relative to a collection in the metapath property. The data itself is given in the data property.

  "name": "an_article",
  "title": "An Article",
  "metapath": "Corpus,collection_name,RawData",
  "data": "This is the text of the article."

A variation of this points to an actual data file using the path property:

  "name": "an_article",
  "title": "An Article",
  "metapath": "Corpus,collection_name,RawData,txt",
  "path": "Corpus,collection_name,RawData,txt,an_article.txt"

Data Nodes and Property Inheritance

The final node of the metapath will either be a manifest containing inline data or a pointer to a data file. Parent nodes for this manifest will represent "branches" within the collection. Some properties specified by parent nodes are inherited by their children. For instance, the OCR property applied to the RawData node of a collection will apply to all the individual data files classified as RawData. This inheritance can be overriden by including the OCR property in individual data manifests. In the discussion below, inheritable properties are discussed in the context of manifest types where they are most likely to be used. This does not mean that they are unavailable for use in other types of data manifests.

REQUIRED properties

Data manifests MUST have the following optional properties: name, title, namespace, metapath.

OPTIONAL properties

The following globally OPTIONAL properties MAY be included in a Data manifest: id, _id, authors, description, version, keyword, image, shortTitle, label, notes, updated.

A Data manifest MAY contain any of the following additional properties:


A string indicating the location of the data file. The path value has the following additional constraints:

  • It MUST either be a URL or a POSIX path
  • URLs MUST be fully qualified. MUST be using either http or https scheme. (Absence of a scheme indicates MUST be a POSIX path)
  • POSIX paths (unix-style with / as separator) are supported for referencing local files, with the security restraint that they MUST be relative siblings or children of the descriptor. Absolute paths (/) and relative parent paths (../) MUST NOT be used, and implementations SHOULD NOT support these path types.
  • The value of path MUST end in a file name.

The path property differs from the metapath in that the latter indicates the parent container for the data file and does not directly indicate the storage location of the file. The path value provides the full path to the storage location.


A string providing the standard file extension for the type of resource (e.g. "csv", "xls", "json", etc.).


A string providing the mediatype/mimetype of the resource, e.g. "text/csv", "application/". A list of common media types can be found on Wikipedia.


A string providing the specific character encoding of the resource's data file. The values should be one of the "Preferred MIME Names" for a character encoding registered with IANA). If no value for this key is specified then the default is UTF-8.

Collection Manifests

WE1S data sets are assumed to be stored in the Corpus database as collections. A collection is defined by a Collection manifest containing metadata. Here is an example:

  "name": "name_of_collection",
  "title": "Collection Name",
  "metapath": "Corpus",


MongoDB also uses the term collection to define a table-like database structure. This usage should be distinguished from the WE1S usage, where a collection refers to a nameable body of documents.

Collection manifests can contain several branch nodes:

  • RawData: Used for data in its source form
  • ProcessedData: Used for data that has been transformed by one or more processes
  • Metadata: Used for metadata files which were collected along with the data.
  • Outputs: Used for data files produced from analytic processes
  • Related: Used for files such as documentation associated with the data set

These subcategories are created by placing child nodes along the collection metapath: Corpus,collection_name,RawData, Corpus,collection_name,ProcessedData, etc.

It is possible to use the same technique to create sub-branches of data. For instance, Corpus,collection_name,ProcessedData,lower_case, Corpus,collection_name,ProcessedData,stopwords_removed.

In database storage, collection manifests are simply floating manifests which hold metadata relevant to all manifests and data further along the metapath. When data is exported from the Corpus database, it is typically assembled into a Frictionless Data data package with a datapackage.json manifest in the containing folder and subfolders corresponding to the branches along the metapath. Typically the branch manifest will be placed alongside each subfolder to preserve the metadata relevant to the files in that folder.

The following sections detail the REQUIRED and OPTIONAL metadata for each type of Collection manifest.

Collection Nodes

A collection is defined by a manifest that serves as the root node of the collection.

REQUIRED Properties

Manifests serving as root nodes of collections MUST include the following properties: name, title, namespace, and metapath. In addition, Collection manifests MUST include created, sources, and contributors properties as detailed below.


An array containing the date or dates on which the collection was created. Dates should be given in ISO 8601 date (YYYY-MM-DD) or datetime (e.g. 2017-09-16T12:49:05Z) format, wherever sufficient information is known. For further information, see the section on Formatting Dates.


An array containing the published sources for this collection. The value of sources MUST be an array of objects, typically from the Sources database. Each source object MUST have a title and path properties and MAY have an email property. Example:

"sources": [
    "title": "World Bank and OECD",
    "path": ""

title: title of the source (e.g. document or organization name) path: A url-or-path string, that is a fully qualified HTTP address, or a relative POSIX path. email: An email address

In most cases, the path will point to a manifest in the Sources database, but other possibilities are allowed for projects not using a database to store sources.


The people or organizations who contributed to the harvesting, downloading, collecting, or assembling the collection. The value of the contributors property MUST be an array. Each entry is a Contributor and MUST be an object. A Contributor MUST have a title property and MAY contain path, email, role, group, and organization properties. An example of the object structure is as follows:

  contributors: [
      "title": "Joe Bloggs",
      "email": "",
      "path": "",
      "role": "author"
  • title: A string containing the name/title of the contributor (name for person, name/title of organization).
  • path: A string containing a fully qualified http URL pointing to a relevant location online for the contributor.
  • email: A string containing an email address.
  • role: A string describing the role of the contributor. It MUST be one of: author, publisher, maintainer, wrangler, and contributor. Defaults to contributor.
  • Note on semantics: use of the author property does not imply that that person was the original creator of the data in the collection - merely that they created the data.
  • group: A string describing a smaller body of contributors within an organization.
  • organization: A string describing the organization to which this contributor is affiliated.

OPTIONAL Properties

The following globally OPTIONAL properties MAY be included in a collection manifest: id, _id, description, version, keyword, image, shortTitle, label, notes, updated.

The following additional OPTIONAL properties MAY also be included in a collection manifest.


A string value providing information about the environment in which the data was collected (e.g. "Windows 8.1"). There is currently no controlled vocabulary for this property.


An array providing keywords used to define the scope of the collection (typically used in an API query to collect the data). The value can be used to query the Corpus for data matching a particular description.


An array containing embedded processes or paths to separate process manifests. Both types follow the same schema, described under Processes.

RawData Nodes

RawData manifests serve as root nodes for all data in the collection that has not been transformed by any processing steps after collection.

REQUIRED Properties

RawData manifests MUST include the following properties: name, title, namespace, and metapath. The metapath MUST be Corpus,collection_name,RawData.

OPTIONAL Properties

The following globally OPTIONAL properties MAY be included in a RawData manifest: id, _id, description, version, keyword, image, shortTitle, label, notes, updated.

The following additional OPTIONAL properties MAY also be included in a RawData manifest.


A string providing a description of the nature of the data accoring to some controlled vocabulary (e.g. "bag of words", "table data). WE1S does not currently have a standard controlled vocabulary for this property.


An array of strings or objects. The schema below uses the relationships property to describe the data as being a part of another collection ("collection1") combined with material from a third collection ("collection2"). Terms from Dublin Core are used in this example, but it is possible to use other terms from any controlled vocabulary.

"relationships": [
  {"isPartOf": "Corpus,collection1,"},
  {"hasPart": "Corpus,collection2"}

A Boolean to indicate whether the data has been digitized using Optical Character Recognition. If omitted, the default value is false.


The license(s) under which the package is provided.


The license property is not legally binding and does not guarantee the package is licensed under the terms defined in this property.

licenses MUST be an array. Each item in the array is a License. Each MUST be an object. The object MUST contain a name property and/or a path property. It MAY contain a title property.

Here is an example:

"licenses": [
    "name": "ODC-PDDL-1.0",
    "path": "",
    "title": "Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and License v1.0"
  • name: The name MUST be an Open Definition license ID
  • path: A url-or-path string, that is a fully qualified HTTP address, or a relative POSIX path.
  • title: A human-readable title.

Omission of the licenses property assumes a single value with "Free Culture" as the name and an empty path.

Further information about applying licenses can be found in the Frictionless Data documentation.

ProcessedData Nodes

ProcessedData manifests serve as root nodes for all data in the collection that has been transformed or processed after it was collected.

REQUIRED Properties

ProcessedData manifests MUST include the following properties: name, title, namespace, and metapath. The metapath MUST be Corpus,collection_name,ProcessedData. In addition, ProcessedData manifests MUST include the processes property.


An array containing processes used in the transformation of the RawData source material. The array MAY contain a list of paths to separate process manifests OR inline descriptions of the processes. In the latter case, the descriptions MUST be objects conforming to the schema described for Processes manifests detailed below.

OPTIONAL Properties

The following globally OPTIONAL properties MAY be included in a ProcessedData manifest: id, _id, description, version, keyword, image, shortTitle, label, notes, updated.

The following additional properties MAY be included in a ProcessedData manifest: format, mediatype, encoding, and documentType. These will be inherited by all data along the ProcessedData metapath unless overridden in individual data manifests.

Metadata Manifests

Metadata manifests define metapath routes for documents containing metadata that may have been acquired along with the raw data.

REQUIRED Properties

Metadata manifests MUST include the following properties: name, title, namespace, and metapath. The metapath MUST be Corpus,collection_name,Metadata.

OPTIONAL Properties

The following globally OPTIONAL properties MAY be included in a Metadata manifest: id, _id,description, version, keyword, image, shortTitle, label, notes, updated.

The following additional properties MAY be included in a Metadata manifest: format, mediatype, encoding, and documentType. These will be inherited by all data along the Metadata metapath unless overridden in individual data manifests.

Outputs Manifests

Outputs manifests define metapath routes for data and metadata generated through WE1S analytic processes. It is important to note that storing materials along the Outputs metapath makes them a permanent part of the collection.

REQUIRED Properties

Outputs manifests MUST include the following properties: name, title, namespace, and metapath. The metapath MUST be Corpus,collection_name,Outputs.

OPTIONAL Properties

The following globally OPTIONAL properties MAY be included in a Outputs manifest: id, _id,description, version, keyword, image, shortTitle, label, notes, updated.

The following additional properties MAY be included in a Outputs manifest: format, mediatype, encoding, and documentType. These will be inherited by all data along the Outputs metapath unless overridden in individual data manifests.

Related manifests define metapath routes for documents (typically files) such as documentation which are archived for reference.

REQUIRED Properties

Related manifests MUST include the following properties: name, title, namespace, and metapath. The metapath MUST be Corpus,collection_name,Related.

OPTIONAL Properties

The following globally OPTIONAL properties MAY be included in a Related manifest: id, _id,description, version, keyword, image, shortTitle, label, notes, updated.

The following additional properties MAY be included in a Related manifest: format, mediatype, encoding, and documentType. These will be inherited by all data along the Related metapath unless overridden in individual data manifests.

Data Packages

Frictionless Data data packages are the default export format for data stored in the WE1S database. Every effort has been made to make the WE1S manifest schema compatible with the Frictionless Data specification. The major difference is that Frictionless Data requires that all resources be listed in the resources array found in the datapackage.json file. A shorthand is to include only paths to the higher node manifests (e.g. RawData, ProcessedData) stored in the same directory. An application can then reference data in subfolders using information contained therein. To do this, the application must be able to implement the WE1S schema. Generic data package tools may not be able to locate the data out of the box.

Processes Manifests

A Processes manifest documents the ways in which data is modified by analytic or other processes. It is primarily a method of recording the steps a user has taken in executing a workflow and is a means by which those steps can be duplicated. All Processes manifests are stored in the WE1S Processes database.

REQUIRED Properties

Processes manifests MUST include the following properties: name, title, namespace, and metapath. The metapath MUST begin with Processes. In addition, Processes manifests MUST include the following properties:


An array of JSON objects providing each step in the Processes as described under step Manifests. Alternatively, the value of steps can be an array of string paths to other Processes manifests or step manifests.


An array containing a date or dates indicating when the steps detailed in the manifest were implemented. The value should be a string containing the date in date (YYYY-MM-DD) or datetime (e.g. 2017-09-16T12:49:05Z) format. See the Formatting Dates section for further details.


The date property is only REQUIRED for inline processes in Collection manifests since it would not make sense for re-usable processes in the Processes database. namespace and metapath are not required for inline processes.


The people or organizations who contributed to the implementing the processes described in the manifest. The value of the contributors property MUST be an array. Each entry is a Contributor and MUST be an object. A Contributor MUST have a title property and MAY contain path, email, role, group, and organization properties. For further discussion of conventions, see the description of the contributors under Collection manifests.

OPTIONAL Properties

The following globally OPTIONAL properties MAY be included in a Processes manifest: id, _id, description, version, keyword, image, shortTitle, label, notes, updated.

The following additional properties MAY be included in a Processes manifest.


A string containing the date when the process was created. The value should be a string containing the date in date (YYYY-MM-DD) or datetime (e.g. 2017-09-16T12:49:05Z) format. For further details, see the Formatting Dates section.


If the Processes manifest is dependent on a particular collection or other set of source data, the source property should be used to indicate the location of the data. The value MUST be a string containing a URL, local path, or metapath to the data manifest or files. If it does not include the name of the data's collection, this should be mentioned in the Processes manifest's description. The source property is unnecessary for inline processes embedded in a collection since the collection is assumed to be the data source.

Step Manifests

A Step manifest describes the workflow parameters of a single step in a process. It MUST be an object. Step manifests MAY be embedded within or referenced from a Processes manifest.

REQUIRED Properties

Step manifests MUST include the following properties: name, title, namespace, and metapath. The metapath MUST begin with Processes,process_name,Steps. In addition, Step manifests MUST include the following properties:


A string describing the processing step. Whereas description is OPTIONAL for many manifests, it is required for a Step manifest.


A string describing the means by which the processing step was implemented. There is currently no controlled vocabulary for this property. Possible values are "script", "tool", or "API".

OPTIONAL Properties

The following globally OPTIONAL properties MAY be included in a Step manifest: id, _id, version, keyword, image, shortTitle, label, notes, updated.

The following additional properties MAY be included in a Step manifest.


A string providing a reference to the location of the tool or script. If it is a tool, this can be a URL to the tool's website. If the step involves a script, the reference should be a URL to the script's repository or a metapath to the script's manifest.


An array containing information about the configuration of the tool or script used in the step. Each option MUST be an object. The option name should be given as the "argument" and the "value" should be the option setting. This structure is ideally suited for command-line tools, but the JSON object can contain fields like the following to record a sample configuration file.

  "settings.cfg": "Sample config file:..."

Likewise, you might have

  "api": ""

for an API query with further arguments for the query terms.


An array of paths to the root node where all the step's outputs are stored.


A string containing instructions for implementing the step. Although instructions MAY also be put in the notes and description fields, an explicit instructions field may be helpful in some instances.

Scripts Manifests

Scripts manifests include information about external software and tools, as well as scripts authored by WE1S staff. Scripts manifests make extensive use of the metapath property to create branching structures for standard types of scripted procedures:

  • collecting
  • preprocessing
  • analysis
  • visualization

Whilst these branches are expected in WE1S project, others may be used as necessary.

Each branch MAY have child branches for different tools. However, WE1S expects sub-branches dividing scripts by language. Hence a possible metapath would be Scripts,preprocessing,python,strip_tags. If the manifest is for a tool or external program, the last item in the branch will be the manifest containing metadata about the tool or program. If it is a WE1S script, the manifest MAY additionally contain the code of the script itself inline.

REQUIRED Properties

Script manifests MUST include the following properties: name, title, namespace, and metapath. The metapath MUST begin with Scripts. In addition, Script manifests MUST include the following properties:


The people or organizations who contributed to the creation of the tool or script. The value of the contributors property MUST be an array. Each entry is a Contributor and MUST be an object. A Contributor MUST have a title property and MAY contain path, email, role and organization properties. An example of the object structure is as follows:

contributors: [
      "title": "Joe Bloggs",
      "email": "",
      "path": "",
      "role": "author"
  • title: A string containing the name/title of the contributor (name for person, name/title of organization).
  • path: A string containing a fully qualified http URL pointing to a relevant location online for the contributor
  • email: A string containing an email address.
  • role: A string describing the role of the contributor. It MUST be one of: author, publisher, maintainer, wrangler, and contributor. Defaults to contributor.
  • Note on semantics: use of the author property does not imply that that person was the original creator of the data in the data package — merely that they created the data.
  • organization: A string describing the organization this to which this contributor is affiliated.

OPTIONAL Properties

The following globally OPTIONAL properties MAY be included in a Scripts manifest: id, _id, description, version, keyword, image, shortTitle, label, notes, updated.

The following additional properties MAY be included in a Scripts manifest.


The date when the script was authored or last updated. The value should be a string containing the date in date (YYYY-MM-DD) or datetime (e.g. 2017-09-16T12:49:05Z) format. See Formatting Dates for further information on how to represent the value of the created property.


For external scripts, the URL of the location where the script was accessed for the creation of the manifest.


For external scripts, such as those stored on GitHub, the accessed property indicates when the script location was accessed for the creation of the manifest. The value should be a string containing the date in date (YYYY-MM-DD) or datetime (e.g. 2017-09-16T12:49:05Z) format. See Formatting Dates for further information on how to represent the value of the accessed property.


A string copy of the script code. Line breaks in the encode should be given as \n, and all quotation marks should be properly escaped.


Formatting Dates

The date, created, and accessed properties all contain dates which should be given according to the following conventions:

  • Individual dates MUST be strings in date (YYYY-MM-DD) or datetime (e.g. 2017-09-16T12:49:05Z) format.
  "date": "2017-09-16"
  • Multiple dates may be given in an array.
  "date": [
  • If it is necessary to specify the format, the date may be given as an object containing text and format properties:
  "date": [
      "text": "2017-09-16",
      "format": "date"
      "text": "2017-09-16T12:49:05Z",
      "format": "datetime"
  • Date ranges can be specified with an object with the keyword range. The object MUST contain a start property and MAY contain an end property. Both MUST have string values as in the example below:
  "date": {
    "range": {
      "start": "2017-09-16",
      "end": "2018-09-16"
  • start and end values may also be expressed as objects containing text and format properties.

WE1S Projects

A "project" is a containerised set of manifests and data that can be stored and manipulated outside the database. They may in turn be stored in a separate Projects database for future reference.

In form, a project is a Frictionless Data data package built from the metapath contents of its resources. It consists of the following:

  • A folder containing a datapackage.json file with the following limitation: the resources property must contain the paths Sources, Corpus, Processes, and Scripts AND only these paths. The folder should also contain subfolders with these same names.
  • Each subfolder SHOULD contain at least one manifest file. For instance, the Corpus folder might contain a Collection manifest called new_york_times.json. This SHOULD have a corresponding folder called with the same name minus the file extension (e.g. new_york_times).
  • Additional subfolders and manifests should be created at the next level of the file hierarchy for each resource added to the data package. For instance, if there is a Corpus,new_york_times,RawData manifest added, the data package folder should contain a RawData.json and a Corpus/new_york_times/RawData folder inside the Corpus/new_york_times folder.

Note that this does not exactly follow the Frictionless Data specificiation because not all resources are listed in the datapackage.json file. However, it is possible to create a complete list of resources programmatically by recursively listing the contents of the folders or querying properties in the manifests contained therein.

Project Manifests

The following REQUIRED properties MUST be included in every Projects manifest: name, title, namespace, content, contributors, created.

The created and contributors properties are the same as found in collection manifests. The content property MUST contain a BSON-formatted .zip archive, the name of which must the same value as the name property. The other properties are globally REQUIRED properties.

In addition, Projects manifests MAY contain the following OPTIONAL properties: id, _id, description, version, keyword, image, shortTitle, label, notes, updated, webpage, contentType, citation. The last three are the same as found in Sources manifests.

In general, project resources can be reconstructed by iterating through the project's folders and subfolders. However, for some applications this can be an inconvenience, especially if the project is archived as a zip file. In these cases, the Projects manifest MAY contain a resources property. This MUST be an array of strings or objects. By default, the array will contain strings corresponding to the paths to the individual resources, whether within the project's file structure or on the internet:

"resources": [

Paths ending in folders are assumed to be parents of all files and subfolders contained therein. However, it is up to the individual application to parse them recursively or filter the data as necessary.

The example above may alternatively be represented as an array of objects with the path property:

"resources": [
    "path": "Corpus/collection_name/RawData"
    "path": ""

Object representation of resources is most useful when the resources contain other methods of accessing content such as database queries. In this case, the db_query property may be used with a platform property.

"resources": [
    "db_query": "Corpus/collection_name",
    "platform": "MongoDB"